Detox 21 days


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Description Our detox process is suitable for anyone who wants to change his or her eating habits and make a nutritional and healthy restart, to lose some weight and, of course, to give his or her body a chance to function efficiently and healthily. This process is recommended for anyone who considers health important and who wants to give his or her body an amazing gift. You will enjoy a deep detoxing experience without fasting or suffering, but rather, with a rich and varied menu that includes shakes, full rich meals, and instructions for physical activity that integrate perfectly with your normal routine.We don’t believe in Fad Diets – they just don’t work in the long run. We want to help you through this process safely and successfully. We promise that you can become slimmer and fitter in a healthy way with real food and a good attitude towards food.The benefits of our detox program: improved energy levelsimproved metabolic ratefaster weight lossradiant, vibrant skinrelief from headaches and migrainesbalanced glucose levelsregular bowel movements once or even twice a day.The Detox App includes: Daily meal plan Recipes that you will enjoy Guides and instructions for an easy detox Eating-out guide – what to eat in restaurants and cafesFive-day interactive shopping list Frequently asked questions and lots of helpful tips